Enter the file name, and select the appropriate operating system to find the files you need:

mpg4decd.dll File Information

Microsoft? Windows? Operating System
Microsoft Corporation
? Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Windows Media MPEG-4 Video Decoder


This file can be used in the following paths:
  • • c:\windows\system32\
  • • c:\windows\syswow64\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23290_none_62dbdf4fd9ae4247\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.19091_none_be71dc6c78ed2fe3\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7601.23290_none_befa7ad3920bb37d\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.14393.0_none_8e19f9c478bc7507\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.10586.0_none_ed2b26a20c6103d1\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.15063.0_none_71b967829ad88a08\
  • • c:\windows.old\windows\system32\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.10240.16644_none_68a95bf5fcb400c5\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\wow64_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.10240.16644_none_72fe06483114c2c0\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_6.2.9200.17591_none_5d42b664337b793c\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_6.2.9200.21709_none_5e35a6b14c48e56c\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_6.2.9200.17591_none_b96151e7ebd8ea72\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.18155_none_51852d0635e7d58c\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_6.3.9600.17415_none_51b0893035c7439c\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.16199.1000_none_663452d496954320\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.16299.15_none_8391ba3bd32e43ca\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_bc9a7ff07bbad747\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17134.1_none_46261aa0cb34368a\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6002.23864_none_62d8bad0787acfb7\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.17763.1_none_516b782eba333c9c\
  • • c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-mpg4decd_31bf3856ad364e35_10.0.18362.1_none_3302fe44df423f80\
  • The above paths are the common paths where this file is located, but does not mean that it must be stored in the above paths. The file should be stored in the actual installation path of the software.
    Tip: If you cannot find the software installation path, you can follow the path suggested above, find one by one, and put the file inside the path found.
Tip: How to correctly select the file you need
  • 1.  If you know MD5 value of the required files, it is the best approach to make choice
  • 2.  If your original file is just corrupted but not lost, then please check the version number of your files. (Method: Click your original file, and then click on the right key to select "Properties" from the pop-up menu, you can see the version number of the files)
  • 3.  If your operating system is 32-bit, you must download 32-bit files, because 64-bit programs are unable to run in the 32-bit operating system.
  • 4.  There is a special case that, the operating system is a 64-bit system, but you are not sure whether the program is 32-bit or 64-bit. If you encounter this situation, check the file path to see whether there are any other files located in. If yes, please check the properties of these files, and you will know if the file you need is 32-bit or 64-bit.
  • If you still can't find the file you need, you can leave a "message" on the webpage.
  • Download mpg4decd.dll file:
  • File Version File Md5 File Bit File Size Download
  • 11.0.5721.5145 (WMP_11.061018-2006) e4a1e645dd0c74374bf1078cd09c0a8832 bit253 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7601.19091 (win7sp1_gdr.151208-0600) a7faa81d1622d6af4467a81b42d30dbe32 bit235 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7601.23290 (win7sp1_ldr.151208-0600) b008af16ec58df5e2a4a7b974d4db46b32 bit235 KDownload this files
  • 11.0.5721.5262 (WMP_11.090130-1421) b8492fadefb97ad94cc08a2f252de35432 bit253 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7601.19091 (win7sp1_gdr.151208-0600) 18a11a96b3c1c9e2fd1e6137c8bd401864 bit219 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7601.23290 (win7sp1_ldr.151208-0600) fa2d735b5916d17e3ddfe8b9f103b13764 bit219 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.14393.0 (rs1_release.160715-1616) 81da86eeb6d062ca66704b4a44434cdb32 bit262 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7601.23403 (win7sp1_ldr.160325-0600) 1eac14ae9ce284a2410f6c08f60422e532 bit235 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.14393.0 (rs1_release.160715-1616) b3d541e77f13cb2cbd61f3d114d8429764 bit234 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.10586.0 (th2_release.151029-1700) 78711780535e10abc4817d7b1ff38eb632 bit272 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.10586.0 (th2_release.151029-1700) 3a434a9e83e31df1167f6eaa0a6cd17764 bit246 KDownload this files
  • 6.3.9600.17415 (winblue_r4.141028-1500) 3c65e8e1196f2bd9b5cb2aff45af007132 bit268 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 26dbee2c75a72b6945561f4b2ae3658332 bit260 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.15063.0 (WinBuild.160101.0800) d2afeaf3af111098e652d2cb6be022c664 bit231 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.10240.16644 (th1.160104-1507) e19b29dca6af0d29e180769fedd408dd64 bit244 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.10240.16644 (th1.160104-1507) 0c5fe5eb83bd4c4f3acf7a08821fc0d532 bit270 KDownload this files
  • 6.2.9200.17590 (win8_gdr.151203-0600) c8a21bd651843e84525d0cec42e12a4232 bit246 KDownload this files
  • 6.2.9200.21708 (win8_ldr.151203-0600) 0ec8cacb983ddc4c246ba40462aede3832 bit246 KDownload this files
  • 6.2.9200.17590 (win8_gdr.151203-0600) 1240b31b9e4f8716fb62aca184380bb264 bit226 KDownload this files
  • 6.3.9600.18154 (winblue_ltsb.151203-0600) ab783643cc9fc852af4514c7ec956fb432 bit268 KDownload this files
  • 6.3.9600.18154 (winblue_ltsb.151203-0600) 6546bb2387558fc0b8a8960c6e64812b64 bit244 KDownload this files
  • 6.3.9600.17415 (winblue_r4.141028-1500) 1aad64fb0e31050410ed0232e6fe078064 bit244 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.16199.1000 (WinBuild.160101.0800) f39f48789ee78c2e91bd1de75a17d58b32 bit256 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.16199.1000 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 421732000c343f8bae75b03d96d5291e64 bit227 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 26d83ecc60a2a7289b90e4c708d72f6032 bit259 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.16299.15 (WinBuild.160101.0800) d5235d627a6abc095145a1037350bd4164 bit231 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.17046.1000 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 8651e8e670f1e8842be4a141a70a886064 bit227 KDownload this files
  • 6.1.7601.23403 (win7sp1_ldr.160325-0600) b0a63a216c2998cb084d3ff3cfede25b64 bit219 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.17134.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800) ae9abd484ce6648daad6755c3346b4e032 bit260 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.17134.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 450511bef7b1a88766fa64b84508052664 bit231 KDownload this files
  • 11.0.6002.19554 (vistasp2_gdr.151205-0604) 09e65d51912a9217cb1d9afc3de04a4932 bit249 KDownload this files
  • 11.0.6002.23864 (vistasp2_ldr.151205-0604) 346cd106aa47f8c3c64d8b4fdb24e69f32 bit249 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.17763.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 3be5514ce8388721627485f8417d6f5e32 bit258 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.17763.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 7f10949f9d4dff5d70c442b3b200a77564 bit234 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.18890.1000 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 0bff4651c32e6728f274cdccd488171832 bit254 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800) 502835bc8a5637f8720c100e24f2c31c32 bit258 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.18362.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800) a722f3f39f5927873f3306e3e289140664 bit233 KDownload this files
  • 11.0.6000.6324 (vista_rtm.061101-2205) eb35517449dbf12aa4dd4220a9b2c07832 bit253 KDownload this files
  • 10.0.19041.1 (WinBuild.160101.0800) f4bde30eb49fd82856bb5098599003d132 bit258 KDownload this files
  • If you also need to download other files, you can enter the file name in the input box.

    1 Enter the file name
    2 Click download link and go to the download page of the file.

    Enter the file name:

    Next, please confirm file verion, and select the proper download link.
    click "Download" to enter its download page.

    Check here go to the Search input box.

    File Finder:

    • Can't find the version of the file you need?
    • The downloaded file cannot be used due to unstable network?
    You can try to use this file finder. The method is very simple. Enter the file name, and you will find many versions of this file. Select the file version you need to download, this tool will automatically download a complete file for you. Click Here Download File Finder

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    User Reply & Help
    Francesco say: ho scaricato il file nitro.officeaddin.net.proxy.12.dll, lo ho inserito nella cartella di Nitro. Qu ......
    Reply: Can you tell me specifically what information prompts appear when the software runs? If it's just a  …view >>>
    Andreu say: I try to work with a printing company online. I am supposed to produce an indesign document and a pd ......
    Reply: You're trying to install too many plugins at once. Some plugins require more than just downloading a …view >>>
    Loghman Hakim say: i have tow problem for MOVECON 9.1 in windiws XP1- Error inithializing Driver 'SAPIS7OPT.DLL'2-Error ......
    Reply: Initialization error doesn't necessarily mean the file is corrupt; it could be due to missing relate …view >>>
    D8 Graphic say: I Want "Adobe Photoshop cs 6 64 bit (extractplus pluging)"Thank You
    Reply: After downloading this file, place it in the plugin folder. When the program starts, it will automat …view >>>
    LUCY BOATENG say: please i want corel x3 setup please help me out
    Reply: I haven't used this software before, and I don't have a user manual for it. You can visit the offici …view >>>
    Pascal say: Hellohow can remove the file the AYAgent.aye or ALYac from my computer!!!!Loaded by mistake on my PC ......
    Reply: Access the "Control Panel" of the system, then use the system's uninstall feature to remove the soft …view >>>
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